Course Changes & New Course Creation

Faculty Councils: view the current Faculty Council members and submission deadlines.

Changes to Already Existing Courses

  • Title/Description Changes: Minor course title/description changes do not need Faculty Council approval. Instructors should obtain the approval of their Department Chair, and then contact the Ross Registrar’s Office with the updated information. We will submit the appropriate paperwork to the central Registrar’s Office who then makes the updates in Wolverine Access. Please note that it can take 1-2 weeks for course changes to be processed after the Registrar’s Office receives them. 

    Title/Description Changes that represent a change in course content should be reviewed by the appropriate Faculty Council(s) for approval. Submit a Course Proposal request approved by the department chair to the council. 

  • Credit Changes: Changing the credit value of a course does require Faculty Council approval. Submit a Course Proposal request approved by the department chair to the council. 

Special Topics Courses

Special Topics courses should be approved first by the departmental chair, and then brought to the Faculty Council(s) for review of the topic and course content. Please submit a proposed syllabus and readings/cases to the council.

Creating a New Course

New courses: All new courses require approval by the appropriate Faculty Council(s). Instructors should obtain Departmental Chair approval and submit a completed Course Proposal form along with documentation outlining the proposed course content (syllabus, cases, readings) along with an explanation for how the course fits into the school’s overall curriculum. Instructors are encouraged to discuss any possible course material overlap with existing courses with those instructors and/or department. Include in the proposal information for how the courses differ or indicate that coordination between instructors will reduce overlap of content.

Experimental to Regular Course Approval: If approved, new courses are typically approved first as “Experimental” for one or two offerings. Prior to being offered again, the course must be reviewed by the Faculty Council(s) again – requesting either additional “experimental” offerings, or to be approved as a “regular” course in the curriculum.  Instructors should include the course syllabus and readings/cases as well as enrollment and course evaluations.